The Common Good

I have been listening with patience, amusement and steam coming out of my ears from the vitriolic noise of our wannabe  “leaders.” I use the term leaders with great caution. I’m looking for the candidate that understands and is willing to implement the principle of the common good.

There is so little respect for the Office of the President of the United States and what the office represents that I am embarrassed to say that I am an American. None of the current declared candidates are saying anything of value or substance. The media is embarrassing and should be banned from calling themselves journalists.

Lies and half-truths abound. We are not living in the late 19th century and it is time that we get over that.

We the people are living in the most complex world that has ever existed, but not, yet, in the next level of complexity. We need a President that sees America as a strong partner on a world stage — not an America with the only one idea on how to solve a problem. America needs to work shoulder to shoulder with other countries. America needs to listen to its allies and enemies alike and work to find common ground that assures each human being the chance for a decent life with food, water, housing. and healthcare security that is founded in having a job that pays enough to move their family forward.

We need an educational system that is positioned strategically to ensure that we grow the best leaders, thinkers and doers so they can compete on the world stage.The 19th century thinking that the control of our schools should be local is not an ideal that will guarantee a strong America in the 22nd century. We need to move past our thinking that a blackboard and chalk are the latest technology.

Regretfully, the days when our potential leaders would challenge us —  Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country — or we will put a man on the moon — are past. There is no grand vision from any candidate.

Presidential candidates should be laying out their vision — not knocking each other about. Without vision, the people will perish (Isaiah).